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68548A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings
Large Slewing Bearings
Franke 68548A Bearing SPECIFICATIONS
68548A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings NTN BEARING CORP.OF AMERICA Needs Analysis , Large Slewing Bearings Manufacturing Service . Get Your Free. Split Pillow Block housing construction:
- Franke
- Split Pillow Block
- Two-Bolt Base
- Cast Iron
- 029176427657
- 5.1875 in
NTN BEARING CORP.OF AMERICA2020-07-10 09:46:19
Welcome to my shop! Glad to serve you! Please send your question!
The details of Large Slewing Bearings
- Split Pillow Block
- Two-Bolt Base
- Cast Iron
- 029176427657
- 5.1875 in
Franke 68548A 68548A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Technology
77238A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | maximum p value:49 N/mm2;S; bushing outside diameter:8 mm; series:LFF; flange width:1 mm; material specification:Drymet LF; bushing material:PTFE Plastic Multi-l; D:12 mm; operating temperature range:-392 to +536 &d; bushing type:Flanged Sleeve; maximum pv value:3.60 N/mm2 x m&; inside diameter:6 mm; standards met:RoHS; max v value:0.65 m/s; overall length:10 mm; |
75036A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | P90°:27.1 kN; H1:69.85 mm; R2:15.875 mm; Housing:SAF 511; Initial grease fill:39.69 g; L:244.475 mm; PG:1/8 NPT; S:3.175 mm; J max.:209.55 mm; h:30.163 mm; P180°:19.1 kN; RG:1/8 NPT; Da:100 mm; R1:34.131 mm; P150°:15.6 kN; Cap bolt recommended tightening torque:81.3 N·m; N1:19.05 mm; Pa:4.14 kN; Stabilizing ring:SR-11-0; J min.:187.325 mm; |
73082L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | d:140 mm; Basic dynamic load rating C:773 kN; r5 min.:1 mm; Basic static load rating C0:1140 kN; Fatigue load limit Pu:116 kN; T:106 mm; a:109.301 mm; K:4 mm; d1 ≈:187.12 mm; Calculation factor Y2:2.3; Calculation factor Y1:1.6; Cb min.:9.5 mm; rc max.:1 mm; Db min.:234 mm; b:5.5 mm; Limiting speed:2600 r/min; C:86.5 mm; db min.:156.5 mm; Calculation factor Y0:1.6; r1,2 min.:4 mm; |
68318A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | overall length:2-1/2 in; operating temperature range:Maximum of +800; D:1-1/8 in; maximum v value:750 fp/min; maximum p value:3000 psi; d:3/4 in; bearing material:Leaded-Tin Bronze; groove/plug type:None; maximum pv value:75000; standards met:ASTM B584-78; material specification:SAE 660 (C932 sleeve bearing type:Plain Sleeve; |
77254A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | duty type:Standard Duty; radial dynamic load capacity:2150 lbf; D:3.9375 in; housing material:Pressed Steel; B:4.9375 in; replacement bearing:KH207-22; seal type:Contact Seal; length through bore:0.866 in; series:KHPFL200; mounting type:Two-Bolt Flange; radial static load capacity:1080 lbf; bore type:Round; d:1.3750 in; locking device:Eccentric Collar; lubrication type:Cannot Be Relubricat; |
75083A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | D:3-45/64 in; B:2-15/32 in; duty type:Normal Duty; bolt size:M16; base to bore centerline:2.2500 in; overall height:4.5625 in; mounting:Tapped Base; radial dynamic load capacity:7980 lbf; housing material:Cast Iron - Nickel P; overall length:5.1250 in; base width:2-23/64 in; seal type:Contact with Slinger; d:2.0000 in; radial static load capacity:5220 lbf; locking device:Set Screw; lubrication type:Lubrication Fitting; |
77272B Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | manufacturer upc number:7316577344632; mounting type:Two-Bolt Flange; d:1.7500 in; housing material:Cast Iron; locking device:Eccentric Collar; |
68694A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | housing material:Cast Iron; series:200; duty type:Intermediate Duty; mounting type:Three-Bolt Bracket S; d:1.1875 in; locking device:Set Screw; seal type:Contact Seal; manufacturer upc number:662327641078; |
74142A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | overall length:32 mm; manufacturer catalog:Click here; standards met:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26; maximum pv value:50000; flange width:5 mm; d:50 mm; D:60 mm; bearing material:Oil-Impregnated Bron; sleeve bearing type:Flanged Bearing; material specification:Oilite®, Synthet; operating temperature range:-35 °F to +; groove/plug type:None; maximum v value:1200 (sfm); maximum p value:Static 8000 / D; |
75075A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | d:2-7/16 in; radial static load capacity:46800 lbf; B:8.1250 in; finish/coating:Powder Coated; overall depth:3-1/2 in; housing material:Cast Iron; locking device:Concentric Collar; lubrication type:Lubrication Fitting; D:4.7656 in; bearing type:Spherical Roller; flange mounting type:Four-Bolt Round; maximum rpm:3300 RPM; radial dynamic load capacity:38200 lbf; end type:Closed; seal type:Clearance/Non-C; |
66391L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | seal type:Contact with Flinger; housing material:Cast Iron; mounting type:Two-Bolt Flange; B:9.0625 in; radial static load capacity:1080 lbf; d:1.6875 in; lubrication type:Lubrication Fitting; length through bore:0.866 in; duty type:Heavy Duty; D:6.9688 in; radial dynamic load capacity:2150 lbf; series:UCFL300; locking device:Set Screw; replacement bearing:UC309-27; bore type:Round; |
77230A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | d:40 mm; outer ring type:Not Split; B:33 mm; static load capacity:149000 N; cage type:Outer Ring Guided; dynamic load capacity:156000 N; D:90 mm; series:223; fillet radius:1.5 mm; closure type:Open; finish/coating:Uncoated; maximum rpm:7500 RPM; application:Vibratory Applicatio; bore type:Straight; internal clearance:C0; outer ring width:33 mm; lubrication hole type:Lubrication Groove &; bearing material:Steel; |
66199L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | material specification:SAE 841; operating temperature range:+10 to +22; D:1-1/4 in; maximum p value:2000 psi; thickness:1/8 in; standards met:MIL-B-5687C Type I C; maximum pv value:50000; inside diameter:5/8 in; maximum v value:1200 fp/min; bearing material:Bronze; plug type:No Plugs; |
68655A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | radial dynamic load capacity:2360 lb; housing material:Cast Iron; locking device:Set Screw; radial static load capacity:1060 lb; duty type:Intermediate Duty; length through bore:1 in; lubrication type:Cannot Be Relubricat; B:3.0000 in; bore type:Round; expansion type:Non-Expansion Bearin; finish/coating:Uncoated; d:0.6250 in; series:SCJ; replacement bearing:GYA010RRB; mounting type:Four-Bolt Flange; |
68949A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | number of rings required:1; compatible housed unit:PLB6931R, PLB6932R,; compatible bearing:22213LBKC3, 22311LBC; material:Steel; bearing type:Spherical Roller; |
77315B Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | thread size:7/8-14; axial static load capacity:16700 lbf; roller material:Chrome Steel; roller width:1.2500 in; lubrication hole location:Stud Side, Stud End; closure type:Sealed; stud length:2.0000 in; axial dynamic load capacity:9600 lbf; bearing element:Needle Rollers; radial static load capacity:10000 lb; roller diameter:2.0000 in; maximum rpm:2200 RPM; head type:Slotted; stud diameter:0.8750 in; |
No. | Brand | F | H | w | S | G | h | D | C |
74070A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66185L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5.6250 in | - |
68520A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
77288A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73136L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66151L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 240 mm | - |
74146A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 72.0000 mm | - |
68659A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 42 mm | - |
66401L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 80 mm | - |
77290A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66391L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6.9688 in | - |
74094A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 540.0000 mm | - |
75069A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73010L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 4 in | - |
73027L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 110 mm | - |
73063L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
77242B | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
75056A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 10.2500 in | - |
71033A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 55 mm | - |
66193L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73017L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3.2750 in | - |
74104A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 11/16 in | - |
68603A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 4.5000 in | - |
77272B | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68625A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68773A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6.2500 in | - |
75060A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | 8-1/2 to 9-1 | - |
68548A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Video
#68548a Color Hex
#68548a color RGB value is (104,84,138). #68548a hex color red value is 104, green value is 84 and the blue value of its RGB is 138.
#68548A HEX Color Code Information »
#68548A hex to RGB conversion. The RGB equivalent of is #68548A hex color code (104, 84, 138). This means it is composed of 104% red, 84% green and 138% ...
68548A LILY Interchangeable From Franke Slewing Ring Bearings ...
68548A Slewing Ring Bearings ; Type, Ball ; System of Measurement, Metric ; Inside Diameter Of Inner Ring, 647.14 mm ; Outside Diameter Of Outer Ring, 672.86 mm.
68548A Hex Color (Kimberly) - Hex Dictionary
Kimberly - #68548A hex colors. Convert to hex/HTML/CSS/RGB/CMYK/HSV.
Butterfly Bush ( similar ) Color | 68548a information | Hsl | Rgb
#68548a color name is Butterfly Bush ( similar ) Color | 68548a. RGB Colors. An RGB color value is specified with: rgb(red, green, blue). Each parameter ( ...
Cables to go 33165 3m lc/st multimode patch - 68548a - eBay
62.5/125 micron cable for fast ethernet, ATM and gigabit ethernet applications that require high speed data transfer With LC to ST termination, this high ...
Large Slewing Bearings Part series 68548A is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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- Address1600 E. Bishop Court, P.O. Box 7604,Mount Prospect, IL 60056-7604, U.S.A.
- Phone(Working Time)298-5268
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Franke 68548A Technical Articles
Large Slewing Bearings CATEGORIES
- Angular Contact Ball Bearings
- Cylindrical Roller Bearings
- Flange Block Bearings
- Pillow Block Bearings
- Precision Ball Bearings
- Single Row Ball Bearings
- Sleeve Bearings
- Spherical Plain Bearings - Rod Ends
- Spherical Roller Bearings
- Take Up Unit Bearings
- Tapered Roller Bearing Assemblies
- Tapered Roller Bearings
- 6806 2rs Bearing
- ucf207 Bearing
- 625 Bearing
- 6201z Bearing
- Bearing Slewing Ring
- Large Slewing Bearings
- Slewing Ring Bearings
- Kaydon Slewing Bearing
- Super Precision Bearing
- Super Precision Bearings
- Slewing Ring
- Tapered Roller Bearing
- Cylindrical Roller Bearing
- Thrust Tapered Roller Bearing
- Thrust Roller Bearing
- Double Row Tapered Thrust Roller Bearings
- Railway Rolling Spherical Roller Bearings
- Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings